Upcoming Events
Visitors and guests are always welcome!
All events are 6pm at the Toms River Clarion Hotel unless noted by @
Nov 27 - Dinner Meeting - No meeting, enjoy Thanksgiving!!!
Dec 4 - Dinner Meeting - Rotary member Stan Mahon will give an informative presentation. 
Dec 11 - Dinner Meeting - Speaker, Cliff Baker with Dine on US.
Dec 18 - Dinner Meeting - Our annual Christmas Celebration will at JBJ Soul Kitchen. 
Dec 25 - Dinner Meeting - No meeting, enjoy Christmas!!!
Jan 1 - Dinner Meeting - No meeting, enjoy the New Year!!! 
Jan 8 - Dinner Meeting - Speaker, Tabatha Dalponte with Rotary Youth Exchange 
Jan 15 - Dinner Meeting - Club Night 
Jan 22 - Dinner Meeting - Rotary member Ahmed ElSawy will discuss his international projects.
Tickets for our Get Rich Bonanza 50-50 Raffle are now on sale until May 15th! Tickets are just $100 each and only 400 will be sold. There will be three prize drawings, with the top prize up to $14,000 (35% of the amount collected). Now that's some serious 'get rich' cash! All three drawings will be held on May 15th at 7:30pm at the 1 Wanamaker Complex in Island Heights NJ. 100% of proceeds support Rotary Scholarships and Local Charities. Tickets can be purchased at our Wednesday Rotary meetings, 6pm at the Toms River Clarion Hotel, by contacting any Toms River Rotary member, or by emailing Board@TomsRiverRotary.com. Don't wait - raffle tickets typically sell out fast! Help us help others.  
We kicked off 2024 with a spirited Super Bowl Party at Urban Air Adventure Park, where we hosted nearly 100 homeless individuals and others in need. We were able to provide hot food, free haircuts, clothing, toiletries, and more to those facing hardship in our local area. A big Thank You to our partners One Ocean County, and the Jewish Federation of Ocean County, as well as our community engagement liaison, Avi Kotler and many volunteers in our community who donated food, clothing and hygiene products and their time to help make this the most successful party in it’s 5 year history. 
We are grateful for the support of our sponsors and volunteers who made this event possible. It was incredible to see so many different groups come together to give back and help those in need. A special shout out to Rabbi G and the owners of Urban Air Adventure Park in Toms River that enabled us to use this location for the party so children could enjoy playing on the trampolines while the adults enjoyed the big game.
Join us for the 32nd Annual Sailfest NJ on September 9th in Island Heights from 10am-10pm! It's the largest Sailing Festival in New Jersey with over 15,000 attendees, 125 street vendors, top quality food trucks, live music all day, kids rides, a 50/50 raffle, beer/wine bar, a 9-11 Reflection Ceremony at noon, and the year's best party along Toms River! Special thanks to our top Fleet Admiral Sponsor, Lester Glenn Auto Group. 100% of all proceeds provide scholarships and support community needs through the Rotary Club of Toms River Charitable Foundation, Inc., a non-profit 501c3. More at SailfestNJ.com
New 2023-24 Toms River Rotary President Dion Johnson (on the right) received a warm welcome from members and Assistant District Governor Steven Neuner (on left). Dion is an experienced Financial Professional and Co-Owner of Bluewater Agency Insurance. He has a Masters in IT Management from Colorado Technical Institute. His community involvement includes the Lakewood and Greater Toms River Chambers, BNI, 21 Plus, and MOCEANS. In his spare time he enjoys auto racing, computers, and volunteering to help others. 
Past Toms River Rotary President Chris Christiansen, CEO of Air Process Systems, (shown on right) has received the District 7505 Vocational Service Award for 2023. The Award recognizes how Chris uses his professional skills in both business leadership and environmental stewardship to solve local problems, improve his community, to train his employees, to mentor young people and to set a vocational example to other Rotarians. His leadership skills have been especially visible as the co-chair of “Sailfest New Jersey” – a festival which attracts over 15,000 visitors to the Toms River area. He has truly “paid it forward” through his leadership and advocacy of Rotary's Vocational Service Ideals. The Award was presented by Assistant District Governor Steven Neuner (on left).
Congratulations to this years' Toms River Rotary Scholarship recipients who have demonstrated outstanding academics and dedication to helping others our community:
  • The Richard Kieser Vocational Award - Wendy Martinez 
  • The Alexander Glendinning Scholarship - Abbey Nicholson 
  • The Emily Glendinning Scholarship - Alyana Frias 
  • The Edward Hughmanic Scholarship - Iris Dyczok 
  • The Art Mitchell Scholarship - John Harjes 
  • Donovan Catholic - Julia Kurzynowski
Several of our members met at Shelter Cove Beach to gather sand samples for Save Barnegat Bay's microplastic research project, followed by dinner at JoeBellas Restaurant. We were relieved to find a very small amount of microplastics locally despite the growing impact these plastic particles are having throughout the region and globally.  

Toms River Rotary is proudly celebrating over 70 years of service to the greater Toms River Community. We’ll be grooving to lots of 70s music, inducting new club officers, and enjoying a wonderful dinner. Community leaders, Rotary supporters, other Rotarians and guests are welcome. RSVP by Jun 27th

Welcome to the newest Rotary member in the world - Ms. Sakirat Salu, Vice President of Saba Home Care Inc. Shown also are President Mike Frankovich (right) and Board Member Dion Johnson (center)
Featured speaker Phillipe Cousteau inspired members with amazing stories of his grandfather Jacques Couteau, videos about damaged coral reefs, recovering ecosystems and areas where sharks are thriving. He shared wonderful memories about his family and their love of the outdoors. He talked about efforts happening - and still needed - worldwide to restore ocean environments, about the importance of teachers in educating today’s youth, as well as his appreciation for Rotary’s efforts in supporting environmental projects globally.  The meeting was hosted by Ocean County College to benefit their foundation.  
Members of Toms River Rotary were proud to support National Wreaths Across America Day to honor service members who served in our military and often sacrificed their lives to preserve our freedoms. Similar wreath­-laying ceremonies occur at more than 2,500 locations to show our veterans and their families that we will not forget. We will never forget.
Toms River

Serving Greater Toms River 
We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 6:15 PM
The Clarion Hotel
815 Route 37 West
Toms River, NJ 08755
United States of America
Networking & socializing begins in the lounge at 5:45 pm. Meeting starts promptly at 6:15 pm. Please check our Facebook page for changes and special events. Visitors and guests are always welcome! Join us!
VP / President-elect
Director / Executive Secretary
Director at Large
Immediate Past President
Membership Chair
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